Wonderful article...
I wonder if we can see that until we dismantle the system that is fundamentally toxic and dysfunctional, that nothing will really change. This system's issues such as poverty, environmental degradation, mass extinction, an education system that is not about learning but reward and punishment, over population, war, trauma, housing, lawns and lawn mowers, agricultural practices (pesticides, mono-culture), enormous wealth discrepancies, psychological issues (DSM-5) etc, are all interrelated. This is a cancerous system, that needs to grow, needs hierarchy, needs to be at war with the world, needs to consume in order to exist.
This system is conditioned into us. Using this conditioned thinking to try and solve these problems, simply creates more problems. It seems like we need to fundamentally dissolve our conditioning, and see that rather than separate from the world, we are interrelated and also completely okay in who we are. Rather than hierarchy, see community, simplicity and sustainability instead of growth and materialism, and interconnection with the ecological systems in which we live.