Wholeness is / Duality is not
in wholeness lies
a quiet infinite vastness
where form/emptiness springs forth
and yet wholeness
is changeless
in the traumatized land
of our enculturated duality
lies the realm of
conditioned egoic dysfunction
our culture’s ideas
good and bad
create suffering
and the enemy
they are two sides
of the same coin
and conflict
the ongoing drama
into the construct of our thinking
our thinking
projects its dysfunction
onto the pallet of the world
painting a vision of war
without knowing it
this is a dream
not truth
through our conditioning
we dream “reality”
of our beliefs
into our perspective
without knowing it
without knowing it
we perpetuate sorrow
it is not in enculturated thought
where the answer lies
it lies in the quiet
a place that is directionless
a place where one has
to stop and listen
and not run
or fight against
where one dives into listening
without an agenda
and empties the mind
to quiet on its own
in the quiet
that flows in all directions
wholeness is tapped into -
what is at the core of oneself
and yet is selfless
here one sees that
wholeness is pathless
and duality disappears
here is love unconditioned
enemies disappear
war is seen as a joke
hatred is seen as ignorance
hierarchy dissolves
greed is no longer
the pursuit of wealth and individualized success
is seen as a fruitless sorrowful endeavor
while all isms are seen
as rooted in fear and despair
only held onto
by beliefs and insecurities
all dissolves
but truth
wholeness is
flowing through all
which can’t be
measured or contained
here i am
living in the midst
of all the dysfunction
moving with a completely different beat
dance here with me
and let’s together
break free from the systematic mess
of this sorrowful culture
and let loose into
and into the dance of what is