Wholeness IS
Wholeness is
though our culture says were not
Feeling separate
we becomes a stranger
a stranger to oneself
a stranger to the world
we becomes stuck in
a perceived hostile environment
taught into us
through inculturated trauma and
the suppression of our innate
wonder and curiosity
we build up the image of of separation
and due to the traumas of growing up
builds artificial walls of defensiveness
and arbitrary ideas of self aggrandizement
becoming a stranger of isolation
here we create the idea of hate and otherness
war and violence
oppression and destruction
yet, these all stem from a culture that is
telling us a message that is false
a message that says
there is something wrong in us
a message that says that hierarchy is okay
that oppression is the nature of who we are
and that materialistic wealth is success
it tells us a message that
we need to control
and destroy nature in order to live
even though that destruction includes ourselves
we are taught to believe
even in things
that say slavery is okay, sexism is okay
and if we don’t believe in this
we will go to hell
have you ever stopped to think
that this belief is its own hell
this is not truth
the truth is
that the immeasurable wholeness that
flows through all things
what some call God
Tao or buddha nature
is YOU
the fact is
you are
with the entire universe
this illustrates a very different way of living
our cultural power structures are deeply
frightened by this and will
try and crucify anyone who speaks
out truth to this interconnectivity
and shared egalitarian existence
with all things
for this seeing
doesn’t flow with a dysfunctional
oppressive culture
for this seeing is free
alive and full of love
wholeness is within you
all of us
the plants
dark matter
all of it and
beyond it
the presence of now
is wholeness
in the quiet
or in nature’s bosom
one can directly
enter into this
the start of a real revolution
begins with
letting go
to the ultimate truth
that is beyond subjective and objective perspective
it is
and always is
within all of us
and it cares less if you belief or not
it is here within you regardless
here in this presence
no matter who you are
what you dress like
what religion you come from
whether you are atheist or spiritual
what color your skin is
no matter who you identify as
whether you are rich or poor
animal or plant
we are one
we are whole
we are love