What Creates a Healthy, Peaceful Society?
There are ways to live together in a community that creates peace and sustainability. Throughout history, many small indigenous cultures have evolved to live in this way. Egalitarian and ecologically connected to their local bioregion, these cultures sustained themselves within the ecosystem for innumerable years without toxicity and irreversible impact. These cultures showed success, as, like any successful species, they survived and thrived within their natural communities.
However, we presently live in a culture that is at war with the world and threatening collapse. This global culture is destroying its host just like cancer, a sickness in which abnormal cells divide and grow until the cancer kills the entire organism. This culture is an earth cancer that grows and consumes until nothing is left.
One that is cancerous at its roots has these core values….
Our culture is a cancer. It is insidious in its approach. Through how we are educated, this culture destroys wonder and curiosity and conditions the belief that one is separate and that hierarchy is humanity’s natural state. Our culture does such a great job that by the time we are adults, we have no idea that we are playing out roles and creating conflicts and drama that, in actuality, don’t exist.
Is it possible to break free both individually and collectively?
Awareness. Awareness and wonder are the antidotes to hierarchal thinking.
Bringing full awareness into one’s thinking would illustrate what is false and true.
Wonder is open and inclusive. It has nowhere to go or be and sees no wrong. Awareness is the fire that incinerates hierarchal thinking, for it sees the falseness of this cancerous mindset. Awareness is looking to stay the same or grow. It is a presence that is listening without trying to listen. In this way, one would directly see the nature of hierarchal personalized thinking and how all issues stem from this way of thinking. One would see that our hierarchal culture is in our minds, conditioned into us since we were born. Hierarchy is the way we have been conditioned to see oneself and the world. The society in which we live is a projection of our minds.
To wake up means to be aware.
To be aware is to wonder.
To wonder is to see directly what is.
Here one is already waking up.