Wandering into Wholeness
In the cool rain
i happened upon a red maple
her girth covered by life
i browsed the billowing mosses
and the intracolored lichen
mazes and textures
of living mandalas
such intricate webs of beauty
all interconnected
this beauty
more than any painting
or cathedral
dancing here with me
in the kaleidoscope of Now
stillness lies the mind
goalless and joyful
all imbued in Wholeness
come dance here with me
— — -
stop and question thoughting
for in enculturated thinking
we are controlling, moving so fast, not flowing
we have no idea what it means to wander
and in this
our minds are fragmented and stuck
born into conditional love
we splinter ourselves off as children
thinking there are parts
that my parents, teachers, and other children
like in me
and parts they don’t
we are taught that t
here is something wrong in us
and so separation and insecurity is born.
From this root trauma, we search, cling, and fight
to get ahead
see, warring comes from insecurity
a hunger for power and wealth
that will never quench
the emptiness those following that path are trying to fill
we run and run, creating drama
which feeds our cultural system of dysfunction
until the system is dismantled
freed from within oneself
drama, conflict, and war will be the cultural reality
leap into the emptiness
with me
heal with love
stop and pause
question and dig in
let thoughts flow out
until they quiet on their own
and then see
see there is
no need for war
for environmental destruction
for drama…
here in the stillness
the deep quiet of emptiness
you shall wander the open roads
you shall wander
in such a profound presence
that the universe will bring you to
right where you need to be
right here
right now
you shall see the sacred
for you are the sacred
you are the universe
there is no separation
that one is the immeasurable wholeness
that flows through
and you see
you have precisely what you need
already right here
right now
Slowing down
wandering with no direction
trusting in what is
you will notice the incredible beauty all around you
and may discover upon a tree
a living micro-ecosystem
that is beyond definitions
and here
beauty and love flow like light
All things in time will come and go
the now is timeless
The now is boundless
The now is Whole
That which is true never was born and will never die
find that and all is and will be and has always been okay
Beautifully okay and immeasurably wondrous…
i wander aimless
without goals or direction
i find beauty in the smallest things
the laughter of a child
the flight of geese
the sparkle of silvery blue
upon a snowflake
i dance with whomever I come across
it doesn’t matter who you are
I have only love in my heart
all I need is my two wonderful feet
a little food and some water
the universe provides me joy
along my endless pathways
let go here with me
and let wholeness flow
here the world
is already transformed