The beauty of Interconnectivity
where no hierarchy exists…
the dying sun drifts under the aqueous horizon
While a soft golden light
nestles into this moment
the flowers hum and sing
while bees go to their hives to rest
listening in wonder
no wealth can come close
to the immeasurable sweetness
of love
this presence
this love flows
without time
no individual success can come close
to the depth of
community health
violence and fear will never solve anything
but perpetuate
more violence
Oppressors create the oppressed
hate begets hate
good creates bad
hierarchy creates sorrow
insecurity perpetuates fragmentation and division
all illusions conditioned into us
A running business
that chains and dramatizes
one to the role one plays
listen in wonder
no doing
no trying
just letting be what is
no escape
Listen without movement
and let yourself flow into stillness
and let yourself flow into stillness
— -
There is no hierarchy in a meadow.
There is a beautiful balance within the interdependent relationships, and we are a part of this.
However, hierarchy deludes us from this connection.
The higher up in the hierarchy, the more oppressive the role becomes. The more wealth one has, the more riding on the backs of others one needs to garner that wealth.
The more powerful the role, the more power one takes away from others. This is the nature of oppression.
This system is conditioned into all of us born into this hierarchal system. It is the way we think. We see this structure play out in the conflict within oneself, who one should be as opposed to who one is, the conflict of relationship- the play of power and insecurity, and collectively — in othering into hate, violence, and war, and upon the earth, — how we abuse animals in the name of meat, and destroy ecosystems in the name of growth…
Question — If one is whole and secure, does one need power and wealth? If one sees there is no need to abuse animals and still be healthy, does one need to eat factory-farmed animals? If one sees other animals as sentient, would we abuse them in testing for the sake of science?
Question and dig and see what opens up…