Garin Samuelsen
4 min readJan 9, 2024

Snowy Contemplation


flows the

cloudless mind





here and now



let it

all go


into yourself

swim into

direct experience

break free

from the

shackles of

your beliefs

and attachments

here and now

rages the wind

hear and now

echoes the sky

here and now

that is all

here and now

love is

there is

no where

else to be

nothing to own

wholeness is

and I am home

within the confluence

Of all that is

— — -

white blossoms

fall thick and delicate

blue shadows roam across

the deep silence

the mountains sleep

nestled in their winter blanket

smoke curls

from a farmhouse

alone in

the frozen woods

i stop among an old grove of beech


among the gray bare trees

stillness flows

and quiet is

— — -

dancing trees

reach into the shimmering sky


i walk through the crust of snow

woods echo

in the warm afternoon

golden leaves quiver

like paper chimes in the winter breeze

— — -

— — -

sunlight streams dissolve

as waves of blackness stir

upon the frozen hills

out of the rich soil of the loamy night

silver gardens evolve out of emptiness

twinkling and bright they shine

myths roam

in the spherical wildfires

while wings of wind sing through earthly trees

slowly the mercury fires revolve

wandering in arcs

across the mysterious sky

silence becomes an intimate friend


— — -

listen in

listen to the multifaceted webs

dripping with pearls of indra’s web

listen to the impermanent play of forms

dancing in ever-changing kaleidoscopes

listen to the encompassing cycles

circling us without

beyond knowing

listen to the quiet diversity

spreading forth from within the soil

into the towering mossy trees

outwards to the pinnacles of mountains

listen without a word or concept

and here

in the majestic quiet

all is still

the mind has no movement

all is

and all is alright

— — -

All is

like mist

Nothing to hold onto

All things

will come to an end

holding on

is bitter

letting go

seeing the nature of oneself

seeing the grand wholeness

is oneself

one is enraptured

by the

symphony of living

— — -




the flow beckons

into the breadth of its wilderness

i plummet into wildness

plummet into solitude

i let loose

threading into creativity

into beautiful awareness

freedom rising

from the depths of compassion

here, in this untamed abode

wholeness is

freedom flows

love in every step

love in every breath

flowing down the valleys

up the highlands

into the rising mountains

flowing through churning waters

flowing through unbroken planes

flowing through the unfolding light

and nestled within the mysterious dark

flowing forth as emptiness

flowing through all forms


it encompasses

circumscribing songs of the inexpressible

circumnavigating myself

flowing, rushing

it is soft and gentle

yet, ungraspable and unrestrained

its face lies in all colors, all species, all races,

it is the ecology of interdependency

the breath of change

yet it is still and timeless

it is the paradox and the unknown

without caring or knowing why, i play and play

i feel presence slip her hand into me from its intangible

i feel presence plunge me within the depths of its universe

as i seep into its incomprehensible

here i stand

in the vision of creation

in the embers of destruction

in the home that is myself

for wherever i go, love raptures me

— — -

in solitude and beauty

i walk

wholeness imbues me

i let go and i do not thirst

i love and i do not hunger

home is wherever i happen to be

— — -

in wholeness

the flow quietly meanders

through the river’s mouth

through the rainbow’s light

through the rolling mountains

through the depths of the sky

through you and I

i am here

mellow and free

Immeasurable and uncontrollable

in love and wonder

dancing with this dying day…

— — -


sit still

listening to the warm colors

bloom over rugged valley

this early morning

into the tides of what is

flowing into its ebbs

soft golden petals

inflame the sky

here all is welcome

there are no enemies

Just myself playing in all forms

here one

doesn’t need

to go anywhere

to be free

to be whole

i am rooted

in this solitude


all is clear

in the quiet immeasurable

there is a beautiful simplicity in action

there is no effort

there is nothing

to own or gain

there is no higher or lower

all are included

and love flows through

without a thought

i have nowhere to go

nowhere to be

here i embrace all i come across

again and again

flowing like a river

whole like the ocean

in the community of friends

in the community of wildness

i need no nation

no state to indoctrinate

or keep me safe

i need no artifice

to fulfill or turn me towards

something else

here lies a vision beyond heaven

a place more beautiful and free

beyond any riches

a place that holds

no discrimination

no hatred

no imprisonment

a place that lies in the

solitude of awareness

in the quiet of the mind

in the wholeness of love

there is no other

Garin Samuelsen
Garin Samuelsen

Written by Garin Samuelsen

I am a transpersonal therapist, a teacher, and love wonder. I have explored many wild places. Wholeness and love is what it is all about for me.

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