Personalized Thoughting Distorts Reality. In Wholeness is Clarity
personalized thinking distorts reality
War is a traumatic, violent delusion
Egoic Power is corruption
Environmental destruction and poisoning is insanity
Beliefs are prisons
hate is taught and arises from fear
separation, psychological fear, and fragmentation arise out of dysfunction and isolation
Delusion and corruption are conditioned by a deeply dysfunctional hierarchical system
Love needs nothing
Wholeness is
peace is stillness
compassion lies in looking underneath and asking why
in the simple lies the profound
community is in taking care of the whole, everyone, not just a few of the parts
Love is unconditional and has no bounds
love is love is love
love is wholeness
come dance with me
in love
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Nature has no need for a personalized want for power.
Seeing one’s wholeness and connection to all that is — is a beautiful life.
Egoic power is corrosive.
The irony is that the more power one has the less joyful one is and the more entrapped by the illusionary power one becomes.
As long as one is escaping, one is in conflict. That equals discontent.
Our educational and family system does a great job of forcing us into roles and shutting down wonder and curiosity. This is a violation of human integrity. Because I am conditioned to think that I am not truly safe, that I am not okay, that I am rooted in insecurity, I live in dysfunction and ignorance. From here, there is a want to cling and to find power and security instead of leaping into the real journey, discovering oneself.
It is not in power, wealth, or violence that I will find wholeness, freedom, and love.
Slowing down, listening, connecting, flowing, and building community with one another is more important than hate and fragmentation. Love and interdependency are the keys to discovering joy and wholeness.
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I sit in a bed of flowers
The petals and colors
are wondrous
insects hum and drink
from nature’s elixir
clouds drift and dissolve
a warm, soothing breeze
dances through the meadow
I need little
want nothing
emptiness is mind
joy flows ever so gentle
love suffuses everything
here one sees
hate, greed, and want for power
arise out of ignorance
out of conditioning
out of suffering
this ignorance
spreads more ignorance
until countries are built
out of this ignorance
everyone believing
in its conditioned way
Hierarchy, oppression
and violence
are the ways of the state
pushing down and violating people and nature
I am done with that drama
I live for no state or country
no flag indoctrinates me
all people
Young and old
black and white
queer and straight
women and men
immigrants and Indigenous
all genders
No matter one’s station
no matter one’s religion or belief
I love
all creatures
the earth
the universe
I love
in stillness
I am
no division
just wholeness
Wholeness in all
all in wholeness