Observe and Come Back to Who You Are

Garin Samuelsen
5 min readJul 26, 2023


Photo by Suzanne Tucker on Unsplash

As i observe

i see suffering all around

people suffering

domesticated farm animals suffering

the land suffering

most are stuck in the evermoving

wheel of our system’s discontent

Photo by Maksim Shutov on Unsplash

the wheel lives off of suffering

to feed the few with artificial illusions of wealth and power

Photo by Ciudad Maderas on Unsplash

but those toys are nothing more than toys

and even the rich

mired in their wealth

become consumed and imprisoned by the system

a system that moves through the conditioning

of all of us

a perpetuation beginning the day we are born

Photo by Marjan Grabowski on Unsplash

i see the ignorance

people stuck in business

in isolation

moving moving moving

turning their heads away

into the security of their knowns

Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

trying to hide away their own


i see the wars and struggles

the boredom and discontent

the callous destruction of beauty

Photo by Maksim Shutov on Unsplash

and the killing of species without a care

we close our eyes

and overlook our own participation

our own silence

that allows the horrors to continue

fear is the guiding force

slithering down to the very roots

of our inculturation

we are taught to push down


and curiosity

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

We are conditioned

day in and day out

to conform to authority

conform to being afraid and separate

and play out the Judeo-Christian myth

a myth of a God that dominates with power and fear

that tells us we are wrong

and so we play it out

as a culture

making us feel like aliens upon

our one planet

aliens within our own culture

Photo by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash

creating enemies that don’t really exist

and to play out a system

that in order to survive

must destroy the world

and so we act out this myth

believing it is real

upon our children

that there is something wrong with them

and instead of letting them play

and ask questions

and learn without coercion

without punishment or rewards

instead of following their hearts

we tell them what they should learn

and what questions are right

and that they need to follow or else

and that we can fix certain parts of the system

but the system is good

and capitalism

that benefits the few

is a great thing

as it fools us into thinking

with its cars and jetplanes

washer and dryers

that this is progress

though hidden from us

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

is the slave labor

the child labor

the destruction of forests

the poisoning of our waters and sky

so that a few can smile

and say look what i earned

and blind oneself

to the fact that all is interconnected

and what we do to the earth

and the least of us

we do unto ourselves

and if children don’t follow this creed

they will be left behind and titled troublemakers

how fucked up is that

What is one to do…


stop running with your head cut off

use your intelligence and look within

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

ask yourself these questions

do you still wonder

do you still ask questions

do you love fully and vulnerably

do the wild winds still move you

and do you still watch

with curiosity, geese parade across the sky

do you still play with the clouds

and the forest with its trees and branches

with its sticks and stones

Photo by pine watt on Unsplash

and frolic in the waters and dive underneath

to feel freedom flowing through you

without a thought

oh most of us have lost this

and think they know who they are

but the ego is an illusion

it is simply a navigational system

that helps us survive and thrive

a system that, when personalized

can quiet when not needed

just as when we play

our thoughts die down

and we are alive and present

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

our kids

if we listen

can still teach us to come back to

this within ourselves

and we can let our kids

learn through their curiosity

for all knowledge is hitched together

for that is the nature of the universe

Photo by Amritanshu Sikdar on Unsplash

let yourself sing

let your children sing

and dance with the flowers and bees

and learn and learn and learn

without needing to memorize

so that joy permeates

and freedom flows

Photo by Jan Canty on Unsplash

we can begin living in a way

by listening in

so that we can tap into our true nature

the wildness of wholeness

and sustain with the earth

in a dance that connects with all

with all species

and in that, we would be discovering

something new both individually and collectively

each and every moment

Photo by Guillermo Ferla on Unsplash

this presence

would be seen not as a dot

but as what is

the only reality

and that the measurement of time/space

is contained in presence

not the other way around

for wholeness is beyond measurement

so far beyond that the mind can never

grasp it no matter how smart one is

and yet we

are all…

from the bacteria to the sun….

part of this grand wholeness

another name for ultimate reality

Photo by Jed Villejo on Unsplash

come with me

and play here

and discover without a thought

who you are



Garin Samuelsen
Garin Samuelsen

Written by Garin Samuelsen

I am a transpersonal therapist, a teacher, and love wonder. I have explored many wild places. Wholeness and love is what it is all about for me.

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