Meandered into Flowers
I meandered into flowers today
I swam into their petals and colors
and let loose without defining for a flower isn’t a flower
words fall away like mist
in this presence
here I am in wonder
all is released
all is present
no thoughts
just stillness
truth is here
love is here
with no division
no separation
and here
there are
no doorways
nor keys
there are no paths
only wholeness
to where everything
that once was
is no longer
and divisions
and enslavement dissolve
like clouds
sight becomes clarity
maya is perceived directly
and the drama of
and fear
are seen as
nothing more than a mirage
here I groove
standing on the rocky shore
grooving with the jeweled earth
with its spinning and spinning
seasonal tides
with the fluidity of
the ecological artistry
painting with the grandest
of brush strokes
landscapes of rock and water
and sublime living tapestries
of flora and fauna
here, love
as stillness gently flows uncontained
i am bathed in wonder
the sky so alive and charged with shifting kaleidoscopic textures and topographies
songbirds, frogs, and crickets singing
trees and wind dancing
here, love flows like a gentle ocean
i smile as an immeasurable fullness of
saturates all that is