Join me into the Wild of Oneself
join me here
in the deepest wild place
where there is no government
no higher or lower classes
no higher or lower species
where we are interwoven
with all that is
within the infinite scope
of oneself
where one sees
that measurement can’t
touch this presence
we can discover
something way beyond
what our culture
says we are
we can drop all pretense
we can drop our costume
and take off our masks
and let our wildness rip open the
caged walls of our enculturated minds
we can
let loose
right here
right now
no matter where we stand
here we see
that nobody should make less than anyone else
that all of us have a right to life
to food, shelter, clothing
we would see that
our culture and government
whose sole purpose
is for profit for a few
and the oppression of many
is a deeply insecure and psychologically
powerless culture
we would see that
all the riches in the world
all the materialistic things
is nothing compared
to the beauty and richness of the earth
that when we
let go into the wild
we are home
and the whole universe is
within oneself
following a culture’s creed
when that culture
demonizes with hate
creates racism, sexism, and
destroyed the world
in order to live
creates genocides and wars
and imprisons humans and animals
for their own greeds and fears
and wake up
we don’t have to live this way
we are free inside
nobody can take that away from us
wake up
and find the wild
the wild butterfly that is already
within all of us
wake up
and break free of this unjust
violent cultural identity
join me in the wild
and let's bring back
health and goodness
sustainability and connection
wellness and community
where power is distributed equally
and in this presence
we see with such clarity
a clarity that is not based on time
that who we are
united not divided
no matter who one is
- for we can’t escape the truth
that we are all interconnected with the Universe
that we are not separate
and that hate and violence
come from a taught belief that one is separate
a belief that creates a fragmented, divisive way of thinking
this is not who we are
and even in ignorance
one is still
underneath these thoughts
like the ocean below the waves
is eternally wild and free
and imbued in complete