I wonder if both atheism and theism is simply looking at this from a wrong premise which is separation. What would happen if we removed everything that is false and impermanant. What are we left with? Consciousness. If consciousness is the only thing I can know, then that is what is. True. Everything is contained in consciousness. And consciousness being a word doesn't hit on what consciousness truly is, which is beyond thought. In this place of pure consciousness, thought can't enter, measurement can't enter, and hence no separation, time or space. Just now. And another word to put on consciousness, is Wholeness, God, Buddha Nature, Tao, Great Spirit. It is the only thing that exists. It is. So in this place, one is actually it. Transcending ego. In this place, we see culture as a dream-state, built on beliefs. We see the nature of the cosmos as wondrous but impermanent. what remains? Now. Consciousness, Wholeness.
Atheism and monotheism are just two sides of the same coin of dualism. Built out of the illusion of separation. Just a wonder. Thank you for the beautiful article. :)