I Sat Aware
warmth penetrated
the lingering cold
drifting over
mountainous horizons
long feathery clouds
float softly
along the brilliant blue
Infinite sea
the river was saturated
from spring rains
swift and powerful
churning single-minded
while the river swept
past the muddy banks
i sat
a fire of awareness blazed brilliantly
burning the dead
and parched hubris of thought
silently away
i found myself in undefined stillness
in unbounded presence
into listening
i was aware
of an interwoven wholeness
flowing as an infinite ocean with
infinite currents sweeping through its infinite girth
i sat aware
deeply aware
and in this encompassing vastness
no answers
no conclusions
nothing to hold onto
i sat
alone and whole
— — —
- End Genocide
- End hate
- End war
- End all oppression
- End hierarchy
Stop participating in this cultural ideology of separation and violence. Come dance with me here in love, freedom, and justice for all.
let go of beliefs
let go of all identities
And enter the Now
and listen
listen without movement
and here
clarity arises…