I listen
i listen
without trying
a seeing that needs
no medicine
it is here in presence
that an oceanic quiet is
always is
for it is not touched by thought
nor time nor space
so now i walk without effort
i live and move
within pathless lands
always home
always within the center
of all being
the center of the universe
where there are
no radii or diameters
no circumferences
but what is
lies fluid
just ways of pointing
whole and alive
i weave poetry
weaving into
all i come across
into all i meet
within presence
all things swirl
enfolding and unfolding
and i leave it all behind
i need very little
i wander into
the heavens
and dance within the
symphony of wild forests
i let go into the songs
rising from the universal ohm
i embrace all
all species
the entire Universe
wholes within wholes
all are contained in me
i dive into the ebbs and tides
and flow
with the windless winds
i dive into
unspeakable emptiness
that has no word
immeasurable and
i am it
you are it
everything —
soil, bacteria, rivers, flora, fauna
moon and stars
all of us are included
in the grand symphony of