I am Nothing, I am Everything
i am nothing
i am everything
there is nothing but me
here i am
relaxed and in love
without trying
for this is the nature of myself
here there is no need to change
the world
for the world is already changed
in wholeness
right action happens spontaneously
i flow whole and alive
the ambiance is sweet and mellow
all shimmers without division
no thought enters
all is as is
no rights or wrongs
no good or bad
for there is no duality
all is myself
i treat all with wonder and kindness
present i see
in all is a beauty
that can’t be described
there is nothing to own
and materialism and greed
are seen as ridiculous silliness
arising out of ignorance
all is now
there lies no lines of separation
on this infinite, unbroken expanse
there lies no segregation
no judgment
no time
limited knowledge is let go
and i live here in the unknowable depths
of myself
of wholeness
here flows the bliss of love
without a thought