I am Nobody
i am nobody
yet i lie in everything
i have no face nor body to contain me
i live in you and even your enemies
in me, there lies no other
let go of what is you
and has always been you
i am the only real
all else comes and goes like clouds
yet they also lie within me
in me is the greatest wealth
and most beautiful heaven
yet it can’t be reached or gained
nor do i lie in particulars
i lie not
within the bounds of measurement
nor will you find me
in the throngs of hate
i lie not in religious righteousness
nor in the debates of politics
or wars of nations
i own nothing
and crave nothing
love flows through me
and nothing is excluded
i am an infinite ocean
without beginning or end
find me in the quiet
for thoughts can never see
and illusion can never decipher
in me
no identity nor belief
for the only truth is me
all else is dreaming
and yet
even this dreaming game
can’t take you away from me
for even the dreams
are but hollow veils
just hiding me
until they are not
i am here, always here
for there lies nothing but now
an ever-present eternity
only i exist