Great article. Yes! I love it. It makes me wonder as well of the impact our culture has on our thinking and the way that then impacts the way we interpret the Universe or God. What if instead of a dualistic way of thinking, we saw God as not separate from the Universe but the underlying reality of the Universe, in essence that is immeasurable. Measuring something can never get to the what is, the wholeness of everything. What if we let our psyche's quiet. Could we then enter into a presence that was the underlying reality? What if forms were no different then bubbles in bath water rising and dissolving, all coming from the same source. So in essence, we can't escape yet also we are free to explore within the different forms that the Universe expresses itself outwardly in a continuous enfolding and unfolding as David Bohm puts it. Ah, your article led me down this rabbit hole. thank you. :)