Breaking Free
of a System of Suffering
We are in a system
where we are conditioned
to buy into its creed
its definitions
its labels
defining us
through conditioning
into the roles we play
making us belief
that the system we live in
is normal and
simply our humanity
making us believe
in capitalism as if it is a good thing
the system has deceived you and i
it is a system
that grows and grows and grows like cancer
a system that buys deception
an economic system
toxic and hierarchical
based in fear and separation
a mirror of its creators
a system meant to delude us
to condition us
unbeknownst to us
taking us into
its promises of wealth and success
its delusion
that there are good and bad people
telling us to buy, buy, buy
telling us that you can
climb higher and higher
the economic ladder
to find the ultimate pleasures and achievements
blinding us so
that we don’t see there is no truth
of any of its beguiling jewels
that no matter how high one gets
one is still isolated and suffering
and in that
all the drama ensues
look around
see that with money and power
You can buy violence and war
you can buy destruction
you can buy despair
you can buy depression
you can buy suffering
you can buy propaganda
you can buy politicians
you can buy ignorance
you can buy forests
you can buy hate
you can buy enslavement
anything worthwhile
you can’t buy
you can’t buy peace
you can’t buy sustainability
you can’t buy freedom
you can’t buy truth
you can’t buy love
you can’t buy awareness
nor awakening
if you want to be free
free of suffering
free of delusion
and get out of the role you play
stand still for a moment
stop and wonder with me
have you ever asked yourself
who the hell am i
have you ever wondered
do i really want to be free
to be in truth
are you willing to get underneath
to destroy
you are not
to destroy all
to destroy the
multitudes of attachments
clinging to this personalized enculturated self
of feeling separate,
find out
rage into your chains,
get out of the cycle of suffering,
get off the cycle of contributing
to the violence of our systemic drama
money doesn’t help one here,
which means that awakening is for anyone
and in this awakening
one will come to see that
power and money
are simply reflections
of insecurity and sorrow,
and that in letting go
you will find the greatest power of all
one that is already within
nothing is holding you back,
but you
and that is also an illusion
for in truth
there is no separate you at all
only wholeness
flowing in presence