Awareness — Awakening into Wholeness
Is it possible to end psychological conditioning?
Can thought change itself, or is that part of the same pattern?
Is awareness the key?
Can we let go of control? Why do we need to control?
What gives rise to insecurity and the feeling that we are separate from what is? Conditional love when we were children?
What happens when we bring wonder and curiosity into learning about oneself?
When we are not aware, we are defending and protecting the self through the use of images. Does this not create more suffering and conflict?
Awareness has no choice.
Awareness is nondual
Awareness is a listening that flows with what is.
Awareness is not about the personal self
Awareness is not trying to change, modify, escape, or imagine, but is a listening that has no center.
Please check this out which gives a beautiful explanation of this awareness. Well worth the read…Click here
or if it is easier to watch and listen, check out this amazing dialogue….
Why do we distract ourselves? What if the very notice of that distraction we simply put awareness onto that? What if we begin to, in all seriousness, begin to bring awareness into every element of our lives?
This is true meditation. Not escaping, but being fully present with what is. Instead of conflict, a tremendous energy can arise that dissipates the illusions of the self without trying. The very act of awareness is changing the program immediately.
What do you think?
Keep the dialogue going….. :)